This idea was strongly influenced by Xenogears, Hybrid Heaven, and Valkyrie Profile among other games.
The idea is that this will be a turn based RPG that will be more about the fighting styles and heavy on the use of combos.
So far, with this game the plan is to have the protagonist learn various types of fighting styles so that he can be the best. I kind of want it to be a story of revenge, but revenge is messy in most cases. Perhaps he gets beat up by a bunch of strong guys and they then separate causing him to have to find them to beat them up. Maybe he’ll somehow run into the games’ bosses and for some reason they beat him up. Maybe they’re just bad despite all of their discipline and training.
Perhaps it will be as simple as there will be a big tournament with a glorious prize and glorious glory. I guess like how Dragon Ball Z had that tournament before “The Cell Games”
Maybe both.
I know I want the hero to want to be strong with his own ability - not with the use of weapons.
Now to copy and paste a bunch of text:
Fightan RPG
Street Fighter/Brawler style
Shaolin /kung fu/Drunken Boxing
Muay Thai
Aikido/Judo/ jujutsu (counter attacks)
Ninjutsu- fast stuns
God Hand. Perhaps Demon’s Claw for the other hand
karate + Aikido are pre-requisites for ninjitsu
Boxing and tae kwon do can be pre-requisites for Muay Thai
wrestling-> submissions
Street Fighting-> Capoiera
can hit high, mid, or low
can dodge high, mid, or low
combos combos combos
probably going to have to us an Action Point(AP) system where each action takes up so much AP
Potential Stats:
Intelligence will determine how fast you learn skills? NOPE. It will add extra damage to certain techniques as well as provide defense against the same kind of extra damage. Furthermore, it will be - along with dexterity- a determining factor in the effectiveness of status changing abilities. (edit 14mar2011)
I want there to be Timed attacking and blocking - for crits and damage reduction respectively
Will you need to be in certain weight classes to do certain fighting styles? i think yes.
Sumo being the highest weight class
How will weight be managed in a fun way that’s still RPG-ish and reasonable - running away from fights to lose weight is kinna crappy
Running away from fights will also cause weight loss?
Eating to heal and gain weight- perhaps eating when full HP to gain weight
will there be weapons? Not for the hero to use(edit 14mar2011)
will individual limbs take damage? Yes (edit 14mar2011)
-Will they have their own HP? Yes (edit 14mar2011)
-will they be targetable? -automatically hit? Aiming attacks would take more time in the battle and that would really slow things down. But I would like to be able to aim certain attacks. I think there’s just going to have to be moves available that will aim at certain areas. Also the moves need to be varied if only slightly. (edit 14mar2011)
How will status effects be implemented?
stun? poison? sleep? slow? confuse?
-it seems like anything that pauses the fight would be reason for it to stop/end
-poison could be bleeding
-slow could be implemented by the greater damaging of the limb
—slow could be damaging of the leg(s) and could
-Confuse could be implemented via a nice blow to the head
-slow could be implemented via lucky shot to the mid (getting the air knocked out of them) or a lucky low shot (hit ‘em in the balls) perhaps even a high shot to the head
Damaging a limb could cause it to become ineffective/slow to act/easy to dodge or block/low damage
Will limbs be breakable? yes.
How will new skills/techniques be learned?
will individual limbs gain power? or will a strength stat be the determining factor? The limbs will gain power and the average STR of all the limbs will show as the Unit’s overall STR (edit 14mar2011)
will it be leveling a technique? will techniques have their own levels?NOPE
Will styles have their own levels? Styles will have their own levels, but techniques will not. I think that styles will level either when chosen as the style for the battle, or when certain limbs are used when in battle. (edit 14mar2011)
I like the idea of the player having Levels and a Fighting Style having Levels
I like the idea of a customizable character and growth shown with that character
Dexterity relates to int?
God Hand/Strong Hand style- attack with only one hand with high cost and high damage. kind of a glass cannon since none of the rest of the body is focused on.
With AP, attacks that do more damage will have higher cost.
Perhaps have “style mastery” after learning all of a style’s techniques and this will halve the cost of attacks
Will strengths/benefits of one style carry over to another? It should in some way.
- techniques can carry over but with different cost and the stats should carry over as well
There will probably be passive things that will be learned in certain styles and should carry over- might have to be learned like with FFTA
Will limbs have their own HP, attack and defense? It’s starting to seem like they should
Perhaps the appropriate uniform/gear for a style can be worn to facilitate learning some techniques… Or the gear must be used to train in the gym
I worry that this game about fighting won’t have much variation and will become repetitive. This needs some variation or more motivation. I imagine the hero will go to schools/gyms to fight people/ learn their styles, and eventually beat their boss. A road to greatness
r arm
l arm
r leg
l leg
what to do about weapons
nerf the weapons - they will add very little advantage- nevermind
the weapons will be of significant advantage and should be dodged.
The player could then use dis-arming techniques or use a skill that knocks the enemy down causing them to drop the weapon. Maybe for the rest of the battle, maybe for a limited time(edit 14mar2011)
Knocking an enemy down will cause them to drop their weapon.
The hero won’t use weapons- wants to be strong by his own skill and body etc.
Gotta use jujutsu or counterattacks to disarm enemy
blocking the last hit enables and opportunity to counterattack/grapple potentially
Since each body part could have HP, it’d be like having your party of 5 or 6 right
off the bat.
implement shadow boxing. Fighting a clone of yourself to gain exp
to learn skills:
can have them used on you (hit or miss) either should count
taught by a peer
taught by a teacher
taught through the use of books and/or movies
20 or 30 skills per style - this would probably be a stretch for Sumo Style
Will it be only 1v1 battles? Perhaps 1v3 at most
for the sake of difficulty, weapons towards the end AFTER multiple enemies
I would like the turn order to show if the chance to be significantly faster
occurs. (with ninja involved, it might be)
perhaps have an active gauge to fill up the AP? NOPE this is a turn based game (edit 14mar2011)
Maybe only 10-15 skills per style. (edit 14mar2011)
since there’s one hero, it seems that there’s the opportunity to become OP.
I guess God Hand and Ninjutsu can be learned much later.
God Hand style could be unlocked if one arm becomes significantly stronger thanthe other - perhaps 200points of difference - probably less. But what happens if the other arm should catch up to the Stronger arm? (edit 14mar2011)
Perhaps start with 6AP with a the first available punches and kicks costing 2AP
allowing a 3 hit combo from the start.
-a grab will cost 3 and the throw will cost 3. grab and a punch will be 3AP and
then 2AP, grab and a kick: 3AP and then 2AP.
The hero will only start with blocks and dodges- counter attacks must come later
when other styles are learned.
how are the power levels going to be measured? Combined level of each limb?
head 5
body 5
r arm 5
l arm 5
r leg 2
l leg 2
the average of the limb levels seems fair. every 5 Limb levels gained will be an
additional Player level.
Perhaps certain Styles can’t be learned until the overall power level is at a
certain point.
kid gets beaten up. He wants to get revenge and become the strongest as well.
The paradox or whatever! Conundrum?! OH! how will the skills be learned?! skill levels for each style! which will have their own exp
limbs, styles, and the player will all have levels. leveling up. This is an answer to learning techniques
limbs can get strong on their own, techniques can be learned through leveling styles, the overall player level will likely be an average of the limb levels (and maybe the current style skill level)(edit 14mar2011)
I think the styles will have to be learnable very early-on except some will have to be secret or unlockable (ninja)
seems logical for aditional weight of the player to add to strength but take away from agility
but how will agility be calculated?
perhaps average leg-level will determine speed
and dodging? Dodging will be combined with dexterity/accuracy of the player and and the agility of the enemy - and vice-versa. Dividing the player’s Dexterity by the enemy’s Agility will give the chance of hit (edit 14mar2011)
maybe a small percentage of agility. NOPE
how will dexterity be determined? It will grow 1 per overall level unless there is an accessory that changes that growth rate (edit 14mar2011)
will there be intelligence? Yup. It will add damage to the special effects of certain attacks
will the head level up? seems like only streetfighting would use it for various headbutts.
Should the head be treated as part of the body? i’d really rather not
so of course the head would be integral to intelligence
but what good is intelligence in a fighting game when skills are learned through style leveling?
perhaps the cost of certain moves can be cut at a certain Intelligence level…
should moves still be learned from enemies? perhaps when you’re using a certain style, and a move from that style is used, then you can learn it [maybe a level requirement will be necessary]
food needs:
amount of HP regained
Weight gained
item that gives extra AP for a turn. for the next turn?
Level CAP: ARGH overall level, style level, and limb level
Limb level would dictate overall level
13 styles, 30 style levels, 15 techniques each?
© chris parker etc.
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