Monday, March 14, 2011

FAITA Concepts and questions Part 2

More game development ideas for FAITA

r arm
l arm
r leg
l leg

what to do about weapons

nerf the weapons - they will add very little advantage- nevermind
the weapons will be of significant advantage and should be dodged or to the end of dis-arming

Knocking an enemy down will cause them to drop their weapon.

The hero won't use weapons- wants to be strong by his own skill and body.  can use jujutsu or counterattacks to disarm enemy

perhaps blocking the last hit enables and opportunity to counterattack/grapple

Since each body part could have HP, it'd be like having your party of 5 or 6 right off the bat.

Aikido/Judo/ jujutsu  (counter attacks)
Ninjutsu- fast stuns

implement shadow boxing

hardcore uprising (game)

to learn skills:

can have them used on you (hit or miss) either should count
taught by a peer
taught by a teacher
taught through the use of books and/or movies

20 or 30 skills per style - this would probably be a stretch for Sumo Style

Will it be only 1v1 battles?  Perhaps 1v3 at most 
for the sake of difficulty, weapons towards the end AFTER multiple enemies

I would like the turn order to show if the chance to be significantly faster occurs.  (with ninja involved, it might be)
perhaps have an active gauge to fill up the AP?

since there's one hero, it seems that there's the opportunity to become OP.  I guess God Hand and Ninjutsu can be learned much later.

God Hand style could be unlocked if one arm becomes significantly stronger than the other - perhaps 200points of difference

Perhaps start with 6AP with a the first available punches and kicks costing 2AP allowing a 3 hit combo from the start. 
-a grab will cost 3 and the throw will cost 3.  grab and a punch will be 3AP and then 2AP, grab and a kick: 3AP and then 2AP. 
The hero will only start with blocks and dodges- counter attacks must come later when other styles are learned.

how are the power levels going to be measured? Combined level of each limb?

head 5
body 5
r arm 5
l arm 5
r leg 2
l leg 2

the average of the limb levels seems fair.  every 6 Limb levels gained will be an additional level.

Perhaps certain Styles can't be learned until the overall power level is at a certain point.

© chris parker as if anyone would steal this stuff

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