I worry that my future will be busy and as with the nature of being busy, i won't have time to think. with out this time to think, my mind wont be able to wander and i won't be able to create more game ideas!
Today is about some card games.
Today I started thinking about some games that were conceptualized while I was in Iraq. They involved a regular deck of playing cards without the jokers, but the jokers could be given meaning also! Neither idea has been given much testing, but I feel it is important to get my ideas out while I have them.
Idea 1 is more finished that Idea 2. Here's Idea 1:
I like to call it "Boss Fight"
This is a more co-op card game. Sometimes it's fun to battle your friends, but for this game, I didn't want to fight my friends. Instead, it's kinna like you're going against the dealer. I want this game to be playable by a couple of people - probably up to 4 or five. It might get too easy at that level, but that has yet to be tested. I figure adding a second deck to the game could enable the addition of more players also.
let's see. I often have trouble deciding where to start explaining.
The goal of the game is to outlive the Boss.
The Hero(es)/Player(s) will start with 5 HP which will be represented by 5 random cards that are face down.
Aside from these cards, the player will get 3 cards in hand. everything left in the deck is the Boss's HP.
now for the value of the cards:
Player pulls a 2: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 2: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 3: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 3: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 4: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 4: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 5: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 5: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 6: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 6: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 7: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 7: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 8: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 8: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 9: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 9: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 10: armor. A 10 card will take 1 hit from the boss. these cards can be used on the person that drew it, or an ally. If the boss draws a ten, it too will gain armor for as many hits as there are players.
Player pulls a Jack; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Jack: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a Queen; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Queen: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a King; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a King: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a Ace; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Ace: 1 Damage and go again
If a player has all face cards, they can all be played one after another dealing 1 damage each to the boss. Since the last card the player played was a face card, another card can be played from the lost HP of the boss. The player can go until they don't pull a face card.
The Hearts from 2-9 will act as both heals and revives that can be used on any player; the 10-Ace of Hearts will act as the regular cards of their type. When a heal is used, place the heart card that was used as a replacement 1HP on the target. When the boss gets a Heart, It gets 1 card from the discard pile put on the bottom of the deck, then the heal used follows going on the bottom of the deck. Heals cannot be used to bring a player above 5HP
Turn order:
Once everything is set up, the players attack first. The order of the players is up to them. It could be decided via rock paper scissors or drawing the highest card- something like that.
1. One at a time, each player will play a single card that will then do as it's supposed to.
2. When the boss takes damage, cards will be removed from it and placed perpendicular to one side of the deck.
3. Once a player has played their card(s) they pull a card from the new deck being made by the Boss's lost HP until the player has 3 cards in hand once again.
4. After a player has played their card and refilled their hand, it is the next player's turn.
5. When all players have taken their turn, It is the boss's turn.
6. The boss will play the card at the top of the deck. The card will do its damage, and then the boss's turn will end.
-The boss will only attack a player once and then will move onto the next player.
--If the boss pulls a card that designates another turn (Jack, Queen, King, Ace), it will attack player 1 for instance, and then player 2. If another face card is pulled, then player 3 will get hit etc. until
--The target player order does not change if the boss pulls a 6-9 which allows it to attack all players.
ex: attack the boss, heal, or defend. If it's a face card, they get to do 1 damage to the boss, and then play another card.
Player One: plays a 2 of spades, 1 damage to the boss. Player One draws a card
Player Two: plays a 10 of clubs, a 1 hit shield is deployed for Player Two. Player Two draws a card
Player Three: plays a jack of spades and a queen of hearts and a 6 of clubs; 4 damage is done to the boss. Player 3 draws 3 cards.
Boss: Plays a jack of hearts, does 1 damage to player 1. Boss then played a jack of clubs, hits player 2 for 1 damage. Boss pulls and plays an 8 of Diamonds. 1 damage is done to Players 1,2, and 3.
So at the end of this round, assuming each player started with 5 HP:
Player One would have 3HP remaining,
Player Two would have 4 HP remaining,
Player Three would have 4 HP remaining.
The boss would have however many cards are left in the deck.
This is a grim start for players 1,2, and 3. How it will end, we may never know.
I still need to work on the labeling of the battle field and the layout of the game. There will be times when there isn't discarded HP from the boss, and the players will need to draw a card. At that time, the player should draw straight from the deck... Probably.
The discard piles need to be labeled and organized better also.for now, all of the attacks played will go in a pile of face up cards. The HP knocked off of the boss will generally become attacks and skills for the players, but there should be pile of lost HP from heroes and bosses that will remain face down to be drawn from later... It should also build from the bottom up - new cards being added to this pile should be added at the bottom rather than the top.
I'll think about it more another day. I'll also go into the second card game idea another day. This is essentially a pictureless manual for my co-op boss battle card game. I am not proud of its lack of pictures.pictures added~ (edit 23March2011)
I think I will be able to sleep now though.
Today is about some card games.
Today I started thinking about some games that were conceptualized while I was in Iraq. They involved a regular deck of playing cards without the jokers, but the jokers could be given meaning also! Neither idea has been given much testing, but I feel it is important to get my ideas out while I have them.
Idea 1 is more finished that Idea 2. Here's Idea 1:
I like to call it "Boss Fight"
This is a more co-op card game. Sometimes it's fun to battle your friends, but for this game, I didn't want to fight my friends. Instead, it's kinna like you're going against the dealer. I want this game to be playable by a couple of people - probably up to 4 or five. It might get too easy at that level, but that has yet to be tested. I figure adding a second deck to the game could enable the addition of more players also.
let's see. I often have trouble deciding where to start explaining.
The goal of the game is to outlive the Boss.
The Hero(es)/Player(s) will start with 5 HP which will be represented by 5 random cards that are face down.
Aside from these cards, the player will get 3 cards in hand. everything left in the deck is the Boss's HP.
now for the value of the cards:
Player pulls a 2: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 2: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 3: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 3: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 4: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 4: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 5: 1 damage; Boss pulls a 5: 2 damage to a single player
Player pulls a 6: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 6: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 7: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 7: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 8: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 8: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 9: 2 damage; Boss pulls a 9: 1 damage to every player
Player pulls a 10: armor. A 10 card will take 1 hit from the boss. these cards can be used on the person that drew it, or an ally. If the boss draws a ten, it too will gain armor for as many hits as there are players.
Player pulls a Jack; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Jack: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a Queen; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Queen: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a King; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a King: 1 Damage and go again
Player pulls a Ace; 1 Damage and go again. -Boss pulls a Ace: 1 Damage and go again
If a player has all face cards, they can all be played one after another dealing 1 damage each to the boss. Since the last card the player played was a face card, another card can be played from the lost HP of the boss. The player can go until they don't pull a face card.
The Hearts from 2-9 will act as both heals and revives that can be used on any player; the 10-Ace of Hearts will act as the regular cards of their type. When a heal is used, place the heart card that was used as a replacement 1HP on the target. When the boss gets a Heart, It gets 1 card from the discard pile put on the bottom of the deck, then the heal used follows going on the bottom of the deck. Heals cannot be used to bring a player above 5HP
Turn order:
Once everything is set up, the players attack first. The order of the players is up to them. It could be decided via rock paper scissors or drawing the highest card- something like that.
1. One at a time, each player will play a single card that will then do as it's supposed to.
2. When the boss takes damage, cards will be removed from it and placed perpendicular to one side of the deck.
3. Once a player has played their card(s) they pull a card from the new deck being made by the Boss's lost HP until the player has 3 cards in hand once again.
4. After a player has played their card and refilled their hand, it is the next player's turn.
5. When all players have taken their turn, It is the boss's turn.
6. The boss will play the card at the top of the deck. The card will do its damage, and then the boss's turn will end.
-The boss will only attack a player once and then will move onto the next player.
--If the boss pulls a card that designates another turn (Jack, Queen, King, Ace), it will attack player 1 for instance, and then player 2. If another face card is pulled, then player 3 will get hit etc. until
--The target player order does not change if the boss pulls a 6-9 which allows it to attack all players.
ex: attack the boss, heal, or defend. If it's a face card, they get to do 1 damage to the boss, and then play another card.
Player One: plays a 2 of spades, 1 damage to the boss. Player One draws a card
Player Two: plays a 10 of clubs, a 1 hit shield is deployed for Player Two. Player Two draws a card
Player Three: plays a jack of spades and a queen of hearts and a 6 of clubs; 4 damage is done to the boss. Player 3 draws 3 cards.
Boss: Plays a jack of hearts, does 1 damage to player 1. Boss then played a jack of clubs, hits player 2 for 1 damage. Boss pulls and plays an 8 of Diamonds. 1 damage is done to Players 1,2, and 3.
So at the end of this round, assuming each player started with 5 HP:
Player One would have 3HP remaining,
Player Two would have 4 HP remaining,
Player Three would have 4 HP remaining.
The boss would have however many cards are left in the deck.
This is a grim start for players 1,2, and 3. How it will end, we may never know.
I still need to work on the labeling of the battle field and the layout of the game. There will be times when there isn't discarded HP from the boss, and the players will need to draw a card. At that time, the player should draw straight from the deck... Probably.
The discard piles need to be labeled and organized better also.for now, all of the attacks played will go in a pile of face up cards. The HP knocked off of the boss will generally become attacks and skills for the players, but there should be pile of lost HP from heroes and bosses that will remain face down to be drawn from later... It should also build from the bottom up - new cards being added to this pile should be added at the bottom rather than the top.
I'll think about it more another day. I'll also go into the second card game idea another day. This is essentially a pictureless manual for my co-op boss battle card game. I am not proud of its lack of pictures.pictures added~ (edit 23March2011)
I think I will be able to sleep now though.
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