Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another idea another old game.

I was thinking about how I wanted to hang out with my brother some more and get to know him a little better.  Sure we lived in the same home for 18ish years, but during our middle school and high school years he was out doing band things and i was out with my friends.  So we didn't really get a lot of time together for those years.  At least that's how I see it now, maybe it wasn't like that at all.  Either way, a handful of thoughts later, I thought it'd be nice to play catch and just talk.  Maybe this isn't how the idea came about at all.  But I want this game to exist:

I want it to be a very simple game of catch... online.  It could be an add-on to an instant messenger for all I care.  It wouldn't be about winning or losing, it'd be about talking- and while you talked, you could play catch.  I would want it to be like the games "Worms" or "Gunbound" with that kind of art style and perspective and  in that you could aim your throw and decide how much power you wanted to give it.  Unlike either of those, I'd want either player to be able to move whenever - regardless of whether or not they have the ball (would that make it half turn based?).  I think i'd like the play area to be like one of Gunbound's flatter levels.  There'd be invisible walls and an invisible ceiling, but the throw could go up into the sky and the camera would stay on the ball? and have an indicator arrow pointing at the players? or perhaps vice versa.    I think the gist of the idea is there. 

If this idea were to be bigger, I figure this game would probably be best implemented with the GAIA Online community because they could then utilize all the avatar accessories they already have.  But I guess their avatars aren't quite drawn to the proper perspective.  Whatever. 

If it was so desired, there could be chatroom support where a bunch of people could play catch or maybe just one ball for the chatroom. 

I was thinking a bunch of catches could act like currency that would enable players to buy new avatar gear that would be for aesthetics and customization.  I wouldnt mind if extra effects were added to throws or more power or things like that. 

This idea could also evolve into things like hitting distant targets... doing something like an archery range... knocking cans off of a post. simple silly things.  Basketball...

I'd like to think that with this game, a family that is separated for whatever reason could get together and catch up over a game of catch.  or perhaps friends, or perhaps strangers. w/e

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